Wednesday, June 24, 2015

So today was filled with lots of laughter at nothing. Also I managed to create an encrypted text document on accident. On the positive side my drawing for LilyPad is actually pretty good and people will be able to tell who the character is if they know him!!!!! This is good news since I CAN'T DRAW. AT ALL.I'M SERIOUS PEOPLE. THE MOST DETAILED PERSON I'VE DRAWN IS A STICK PERSON. A STICK PERSON!!!!!! *clears throat* Anyway, Jazmin and I had fun with Linux even though I created an encrypted text file. We deleted it fairly quickly since it was an accident and then went on the internet to see what it was I had done. We were impressed. HTML was as fun as always and now the threat is the music that we need to find. One song I found today managed to distract us for about 5 minutes.

To answer the blog prompt I would have Toothless as a pet/sidekick because he is awesome. He would be kind of like a cat, but also like a dog with how he acts. Also he can fly and I would have a ride to school and anywhere I wanted and also just to fly.

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